Monday, 9 May 2011


And we're off.

The ship left KG5 (as the taxi drivers call it), or King
George V Dock, Glasgow this morning at just after 10am and we have headed down the Clyde river and are now somewhere in the vicinity of Arran.

The plan is to head up The Minch (that is not a rude phrase) and then pull into Ullapool for some spare parts.

This blog is here purely to update friends and family and to
stave off the boredom during times when we are steaming, on watch but jobless and just generally not working. Expect (heavily compressed) photos, random musings, scientific babblings and the unexpected (I flatter myself).

The removal of the gangplank at King George V Dock. That's it, no more land until... Ullapool!?
Some of my fwellow scientists on the Forecastle Deck watching our departure. L-R: Aggie, Alice, Becky and Niels.A bit later, at the mouth of the clyde looking SouthWest towards Northern Ireland (which you can't see). This is the view from my porthole.

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