Tuesday, 10 May 2011


Having had an internet cut out this morning I thought it the perfect opportunity to don my wt weather gear and go and see if I can use my long lens to spot land. Alone on the Forecastle Deck it was perfect timing as a pod of dolphins decided to approach from directly ahead of me and proceed to bow ride with us. I took a couple of snaps and then hurtled inside to try and spread the word. By the time I got back with a few others the dolphins had disappeared and we stood around waiting for them in the rain, loosing a couple of people back to the warmth of the interior. But sure enough they returned for another photo op.

After lunch most of the crew had seen them and some even from their portholes (lucky warm and dry devils!) but with another spotting and improving weather with Skye now in sight I returned to the deck with a few others. No more dolphins turned up, but there were plenty of birds: Black backed Gulls, Kittiwakes, Manx Shearwaters, Fulmars, Gannets, Guillemots, Razorbills and even some clumsy Puffins who were having real trouble in the wind.

I'll pop up to the deck again around 4pm as we enter Loch Broom to head into Ullapool. There's bound to be more to see then. :)
Common Dolphins come to visit, many of them choosing to bow ride at the front of the vessel.A couple of razorbills bobbing about along our port side.The inimitable puffin attempting its inelegant take off and frantic flapping flight into a strong headwind. You have to love them :)

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